GeoSoft API


Interface Summary
GInteraction Common interface for all graphics interactions.
GPosition Collection of position hints.

Class Summary
GComponent An AWT component with position hints for integration in the graphics.
GImage Wrapper object for images used with GSegments.
GObject Class representing a graphical object.
GScene The GScene is the link between a GWindow and the graphics objects.
GSegment Class for holding a polyline.
GStyle Graphics object apparence properties.
GText Class for representing text within graphics.
GTransformer World-to-device transformation object.
GViewport This class represent the area of the window where graphics will be drawn.
GWindow GWindow is the top level graphics node and holder of GScene nodes (node containing world-to-device transformation).
GWorldExtent This class represent a client 3D plane world extent.
ZoomInteraction A default zoom interaction.

GeoSoft API

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