GeoSoft API


GComponent - class GComponent.
An AWT component with position hints for integration in the graphics.
GComponent(Component, int) - Constructor for class GComponent
Create an AWT component wrapper suitable for integration in the graphics.
GComponent(Component) - Constructor for class GComponent
Create an AWT component wrapper suitable for integration in the graphics and with default position hints.
GImage - class GImage.
Wrapper object for images used with GSegments.
GImage(int, int) - Constructor for class GImage
Create image of a predefined type.
GImage(int) - Constructor for class GImage
Create an image of predefined type and with default position hints.
GImage(int, int, int[], int) - Constructor for class GImage
Create a image based on specified color data.
GImage(int, int, int[]) - Constructor for class GImage
Create a image based on specified color data.
GImage(Image, int) - Constructor for class GImage
Create a GImage from an AWT Image.
GImage(Image) - Constructor for class GImage
Create a GImage from an AWT Image.
GImage(File, int) - Constructor for class GImage
Create an image from a file.
GImage(File) - Constructor for class GImage
Create an image from a file.
GInteraction - interface GInteraction.
Common interface for all graphics interactions.
GObject - class GObject.
Class representing a graphical object.
GObject(String) - Constructor for class GObject
Create a graphical object with specified name.
GObject() - Constructor for class GObject
Create a new unnamed graphic object.
GPosition - interface GPosition.
Collection of position hints.
GScene - class GScene.
The GScene is the link between a GWindow and the graphics objects.
GScene(GWindow, String) - Constructor for class GScene
Create a scene within the specified window.
GScene(GWindow) - Constructor for class GScene
Create a nameless scene within the specified window.
GSegment - class GSegment.
Class for holding a polyline.
GSegment() - Constructor for class GSegment
Create a GSegment.
GStyle - class GStyle.
Graphics object apparence properties.
GStyle() - Constructor for class GStyle
Create a new style object.
GText - class GText.
Class for representing text within graphics.
GText(String, int) - Constructor for class GText
Create text object with specified position hint.
GText(String) - Constructor for class GText
Create text object with default position hint.
GText() - Constructor for class GText
Create empty text object with default position hint.
GTransformer - class GTransformer.
World-to-device transformation object.
GViewport - class GViewport.
This class represent the area of the window where graphics will be drawn.
GWindow - class GWindow.
GWindow is the top level graphics node and holder of GScene nodes (node containing world-to-device transformation).
GWindow(Color) - Constructor for class GWindow
Create a new graphic window with the specified background color.
GWindow() - Constructor for class GWindow
Create a new graphics window with default background color.
GWorldExtent - class GWorldExtent.
This class represent a client 3D plane world extent.
get(int) - Method in class GWorldExtent
Return world extent coordinate of specified index.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class GStyle
Return current background color of this style.
getCanvas() - Method in class GWindow
Return rendering canvas of this window.
getCapStyle() - Method in class GStyle
Return current line end cap style of this style.
getCenterX() - Method in class GViewport
Return horizontal center of this viewport.
getCenterY() - Method in class GViewport
Return vertical center of this viewport.
getChild(int) - Method in class GObject
Return the child object at specified position.
getChildren() - Method in class GObject
Return all children objects of this GObject.
getComponent() - Method in class GComponent
Return the AWT component of this GComponent.
getComponents() - Method in class GSegment
Return all AWT components of this segment.
getFillPattern() - Method in class GStyle
Return current fill pattern.
getFont() - Method in class GStyle
Return current font of this style.
getForegroundColor() - Method in class GStyle
Return the current foreground color of this style.
getHeight() - Method in class GViewport
Return height of viewport
getHeight() - Method in class GWindow
Return height of this window.
getHeight() - Method in class GWorldExtent
Return height of this world extent.
getImages() - Method in class GSegment
Return all images associated with this segment.
getJoinStyle() - Method in class GStyle
Return current join style of this style.
getLineStyle() - Method in class GStyle
Return current line style of this style.
getLineWidth() - Method in class GStyle
Return current line width of this style.
getNChildren() - Method in class GObject
Return number of children of this graphic object.
getNSegments() - Method in class GObject
Return number of segments in this GObject.
getName() - Method in class GObject
Return name of this graphic object.
getObjectBehind() - Method in class GObject
Return the sibling object immediately behind this object.
getObjectInFront() - Method in class GObject
Return the sibling object in the immediate front of this object.
getOwner() - Method in class GSegment
Return the owner GObject of this GSegment.
getParent() - Method in class GObject
Return parent GObject of this object.
getScene() - Method in class GObject
Return scene of this graphic object.
getScene() - Method in class GScene
Return the scene of this GObject.
getScene() - Method in class GWindow
Return the first scene of this window (or null if no scenes are attached to this window).
getScenes() - Method in class GWindow
Return all scenes of this window.
getSegment() - Method in class GObject
Return first segment of this graphic object.
getSegment(int) - Method in class GObject
Return the n'th segment of this object.
getSegments() - Method in class GObject
Return all segments of this graphic object.
getStyle() - Method in class GObject
Return style of this object.
getStyle() - Method in class GSegment
Return style for this segment.
getText() - Method in class GSegment
Return the first text element of this segment.
getText() - Method in class GText
Return text content of this text element.
getTexts() - Method in class GSegment
Return all text elements of this segment.
getTransformer() - Method in class GObject
Conveience method for getting the transformation object of the scene of this object.
getTransformer() - Method in class GScene
Return the transformation object of this scene.
getUserData() - Method in class GObject
Return user data of this graphics object.
getUserData() - Method in class GSegment
Return user data of this GSegment.
getVertexImage() - Method in class GSegment
Return the image that is to be associated with all vertices of this GSegment.
getViewport() - Method in class GScene
Return current viewport.
getVisibility() - Method in class GObject
Return the current visibility mask for this object.
getWidth() - Method in class GViewport
Return width of viewport
getWidth() - Method in class GWindow
Return width of this window.
getWidth() - Method in class GWorldExtent
Return width of this world extent.
getWindow() - Method in class GObject
Return the window of this graphic object.
getWindow() - Method in class GScene
Return the window of this scene.
getWorldExtent() - Method in class GScene
Return current world extent.
getX0() - Method in class GViewport
Return X coordinate of viewport point 0.
getX1() - Method in class GViewport
Return X coordinate of viewport point 1.
getX2() - Method in class GViewport
Return X coordinate of viewport point 2.
getX3() - Method in class GViewport
Return X coordinate of viewport point 3.
getY0() - Method in class GViewport
Return Y coordinate of viewport point 0.
getY1() - Method in class GViewport
Return Y coordinate of viewport point 1.
getY2() - Method in class GViewport
Return Y coordinate of viewport point 2.
getY3() - Method in class GViewport
Return Y coordinate of viewport point 3.

GeoSoft API
Copyright © 2004 - Geotechnical Software Services